Leadership Opportunities — Division of Rehabilitation Psychology

Division 22 Continuing Education Committee (Chair-elect and Committee Members) 

Voting Position on Division 22 Executive Committee: No


Orientation: I have developed materials that will assist with training, making the learning process easy, clear, and concise. I will meet regularly with the incoming Chair and will provide assistance whenever needed throughout their first year. I will always and forever be available for consults and feedback. While I am taking a step down from this position, I am not leaving the Division 22 world nor leaving committee work permanently. Therefore, I will be around and always supportive. This is a wonderful opportunity to support our Divison and bring in real fiscal support! :)

Contact: Blaise Morrison

More Info: Continuing Education Committee

Posted: March 21, 2022

Division 22 COMMUNICATIONS Committee (Committee Members) 

Voting Position on Division 22 Executive Committee: No

Term: 2-years

Orientation: New members will join us at our next scheduled committee meeting to review current projects and orient to current challenges and opportunities. Members will have the opportunity to select from among several ongoing projects (social media strategy, role drafting, website refresh, etc.) and commit to one or more tasks as per their availability.

Contact: Abigail Hardin

More Info: Communications Committee

Posted: April 20, 2022