Special Interest Groups

  • African Diaspora

    The African Diaspora Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to provide a support network to empower professionals and trainees within rehabilitation psychology who identify as persons of African descent.

  • Deafness
    The Special Interest Group on Deafness welcomes psychologists who are interested in providing services with the deaf and hard-of-hearing population.

  • Early Career Psychologists
    This special interest group brings together mentors and early career psychologists to advocate for early career development needs.

  • Critical Care
    This special interest group brings together those involved with services and research for people who have experienced critical illness or injury. With growing recognition of complex morbidities during and after critical care, psychologists have important roles in critical care units and in rehabilitation settings afterward.

  • Rehabilitation Technology

    In Rehabilitation Technology: Matching Device and Consumer for Successful Rehabilitation, contributing authors explore ways psychologists and other helping professionals can collaborate with users of rehabilitation technology to help them get the most out of these devices.

  • Well-Being in Rehabilitation

    The Well-Being in Rehabilitation SIG is comprised of Division 22 members who are interested in the intersection between rehabilitation psychology and positive psychology, i.e., the scientific study of well-being. Our mission is to promote science and practice that facilitates thriving in the context of disability and chronic illness. This SIG aims to integrate positive psychology theory, research, and interventions into rehabilitation contexts.

  • Functional Neurological Disorder

    The Functional Neurological Disorder Special Interest Group (FND SIG) will bring
    together rehabilitation psychologists with an interest in FND to enhance our collective
    knowledge and skillset with the goal of improving service provision.