Donate to the Foundation

As FRP is a charitable 501c(3) corporation, all donations are tax deductible.  You will receive a letter acknowledging your gift and providing the documentation you will need for tax reporting purposes.

Donate Online

The fastest and easiest way to donate to our endowment fund is to use our online donation system. Please note that you must specify in the comments box on this page whether you wish your donation to go to the Rosenthal, Brucker, or General Fund.

Donate by Mail

To donate by mail please complete this form. It can be completed electronically (in Adobe Reader or Google Chrome), printed, and mailed, or can be printed and completed by hand. Please make your check payable to: "Foundation for Rehabilitation Psychology"

Mail to:      
Foundation for Rehabilitation Psychology     
c/o The Columbus Foundation
1234 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH43205

Thank you for supporting Rehabilitation Psychology!